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Recipe for Success


  1. Co-Location

    When possible, to improve productivity of the team it's better to have everyone working on the same place. Many barriers are solved by having everyone collaborating on the same place:

    • Faster communication.
    • Problems fixed on the spot.
    • Less friction.
    • Trust relations built quickly.
    • A small co-located team is hard to compete with.

    Distributed teams can also run an agile project, however certain considerations should be taken to improve results:

    • Get everyone together at the beginning of the project.
      Time spent getting to know each other, joking, eating together helps to ease future interaction.
    • Make use of tools that helps boost collaboration online to make the team seem like a co-located
      Use communication tools such as Skype. video conferencing, social media, mailing lists, forums,

  2. Engaged Customers