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Eclipse JIRA Setup:

  1. Close/Exit Eclipse.
  2. IF your site is using a local generated SSL Root CA certificate, download the certificate into:


  3. Verify your java installation folder is configured in your PATH.
  4. Import theĀ  Root Certificate into Java KeyStore using command prompt:

    cd $JAVA_HOME/jre/bin
    ./keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -keystore ../lib/security/cacerts -file /tmp/my_jira_server_cert.crt -v

    * Default password is 'changeit'

  5. Start Eclipse.
  6. Select Help->Install New Software
  7. Click "Add" button.
  8. Enter name "Atlassian" and Location:
  9. Click "OK" button.
  10. Wait for Eclipse to download the information.
  11. Select "Atlassian Connector" and click "Next" button.
  12. Click "Next" button.
  13. Select accept the license agreement and click "Finish" button.
  14. Click "Install anyway" button in the Security Warning pop-up.
  15. Click "Restart now" in the Software Updates pop-up.